
Mr Josh McMillan

Mr McMillan is our Maths Subject Leader

At St. Teresa’s, Maths is at the heart of our curriculum. All children from Foundation Stage to Year 6 are provided a wealth of opportunities to develop upon and apply their mathematical skills and understanding.

Our intention is for all pupils to have access to rich learning opportunities, which will develop their understanding of the fundamentals of mathematics. These fundamentals of mathematics involve:

  • becoming fluent with mathematical skills and concepts.
  • giving detailed reasons and explanations for mathematical knowledge.
  • solving problems in a real-life context.

This will allow pupils to access all aspects outlined in the National Curriculum, building on prior knowledge and providing challenges where appropriate. We enhance the children's mathematical learning through the use of engaging interactive apps such as Times Tables Rock Stars and Doodle Maths. We intend that every pupil will leave school with confidence, a sense of enjoyment when approaching mathematics and a broad understanding of mathematics and its place in everyday life.


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