Corpus Christi

Canon Simon Thomson

Parish Priest

We are incredibly fortunate to have our Parish church, Corpus Christi, situated on our school site. The children visit the church regularly and Canon Simon, our Parish Priest is very much a part of our school community.
Throughout the year, our children plan and participate in a number of Masses, celebrating Holy days of Obligation and a number of Solemnities. 
We are extremely active within our Parish and often complete joint charitable projects with groups such as St Vincent de Paul, The Catenian Association, The Salvation Army and Wokingham Churches together. 
Through our Parish we are able to celebrate our Diverse community with families from India, Argentina, Spain, France, Germany, Slovakia, Russia, The United States of America, Vietnam, South Africa,  Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, the Philippines, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Italy, Poland as well as Ireland, Scotland and Wales.